The A6500-UM Universal Measurement Card is an integral part of the AMS 6500 ATG machine protection system.

The card is equipped with 2 sensor input channels (independent or combined, depending on the selected measurement mode).

The most common sensors can be used, such as eddy current, piezoelectric (accelerometers or velocimeters), seismic (electrodynamic),

LF (Low Frequency Bearing Vibration), Hall Effect and LVDT (in combination with A6500-LC) sensors.

In addition, the card contains five digital inputs and six digital outputs.

Measurement signals are transferred to the A6500-CC Com card via the internal RS 485 bus and converted to Modbus RTU and

The measurement signals are transferred to the A6500-CC Com Card via the internal RS 485 bus and converted to the Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP protocols for further transmission to a host computer or analysis system.

Additionally, the Com Card can communicate with a PC/laptop connection via the USB interface on the panel, allowing the card to be configured and measurements to be displayed.

This allows the card to be configured and the measurement results to be displayed. Measurement results can also be output via 0/4 – 20 mA analogue outputs.

These outputs have a common ground and are electrically isolated from the system power supply.

The A6500-UM Universal Measurement Card operates in the A6500-SR system rack, which also provides the supply voltage and signal connections.

The A6500-UM Universal Measurement Card provides the following functions:

Absolute shaft vibration

Relative shaft vibration

Shaft eccentricity

Housing piezoelectric vibration

Thrust and rod position, differential and shell expansion, valve position

Velocity and keys