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Fanuc IC200ALG431 Analogue Hybrid Module

About IC200ALG431

The IC200ALG431 module is a hybrid module from Agfaq. It is a 12-bit device for industrial automation applications.

The analogue module provides flexibility by combining inputs and outputs using a single carrier base.

The front of the module has LED indicators that help the operator understand the flow of power in the module.

The module has “FLD PWR” and “OK” LED indicators. The module is compact in size with a width of 4.30 inches, a depth of 1.95 inches and a height of 2.63 inches.

The IC200ALG431 module weighs approximately 4.4 lbs. The module is equipped with a 0 to 10 volt DC analogue input and a 0 to 10 volt DC analogue output. The module is powered by an external power supply.

The IC200ALG431 module uses shielded twisted pair cable for analogue channel connections.

During module installation, the module should be properly grounded to the source device.

If the module is connected through a carrier using a connector type, it can be connected to the plug-in terminals.

Hybrid modules are equipped with diagnostics that help report circuit faults. The I/O defaults in the module can be used with jumpers.

The IC200ALG431 module draws a total of 60 mA from the 5 volt bus interface unit.

The module can be easily installed into a system by using panel mounting.

This is an indoor unit designed with an open architecture. It should be protected from water spray and kept away from heat sources.

The ambient temperature should not exceed 60 degrees Celsius.

Technical description of IC200ALG431

The IC200ALG431 module is an Agfanac module in the Versamax series. It is a 12-bit module.

Fanuc IC200ALG320 Analogue Output Module

About the IC200ALG320

The IC200ALG320 is an analogue output module, part of the VersaMax family of distributed I/O modules.

Formerly manufactured by GE Intelligent Platforms, it is now part of Emerson Automation.

The module is typically used as part of a distributed or remote I/O network, often for medium to large control systems, to

Eliminates long signal runs and helps build robust and scalable control systems.

The IC200ALG320 has four (4) single-ended analogue output channels that produce a 4-20 mA output current signal with 4 μA resolution.

It is particularly suitable for automatic closed-loop control systems as well as manual or open-loop control systems for analogue signal tracking devices.

Examples include control valves, dampers, shutters, positioners, variable frequency drives (VFDs) and similar operating devices.

It can also be used for signal retransmission purposes, such as providing an output signal representing a calculated variable within a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).

for terminating signal splitters or signal isolators, panel meters for local readouts, data loggers for historicisation, single loop controllers or other PLCs, and for the use of the PLC as an interface.

single-loop controllers or other PLCs for advanced and complex architectures with cascaded controllers.

The IC200ALG320 is fitted with two (2) status LEDs.

Examples include the FLD PWR LED, which indicates the presence of field power, and the OK LED, which describes continuous power from the backplane power supply.

The module also features detection of user-side power and configurable output defaults in response to CPU stops or module faults (such as holding *back state or outputs dropping to 4 mA).

The IC200ALG320 module is an analogue output module designed by GE Fanuc Automation and included in the Versamax family of I/O modules.

This particular module is equipped with four analogue current source outputs with current ratings ranging from 4 to 20 mA. These outputs provide an average current rating of 20.38 mA.

The module operates only when connected to a www.cniacs.com backplane power supply, and the outputs require an external power supply of 18-30VDC or 9.6 to 15 VDC.

Module processing* is ultimately performed by the CPU or main network interface unit connected to the module.

The GE Fanuc Automation IC200ALG320 Analogue Output Module comes with 2 different LEDs that

show the presence of power on the user side of the analogue circuits, and an OK indicator, which lights up when backplane power is present in the module.

The GE Fanuc Automation IC200ALG320 Analogue Output Module includes diagnostic tools to create reports showing the loss of user-side power failures for live circuits.

The module is set up with a jumper that helps the outputs maintain their * post state.

This feature is important when power is interrupted. The module needs to remain connected to the power supply to avoid data loss and needs to be checked before installation.

The GE Fanuc Automation IC200ALG320 analogue output module has isolation between the user inputs and the logic and frame ground.

This ground is rated at 250 volts AC continuous and 1500 volts AC for 1 minute.

Fanuc IC200MDL744 Discrete Output Module

The IC200MDL744 discrete output module provides a green “FLD PWR” LED to indicate whether field power is applied to the module.

The IC200MDL744 discrete output module provides a green “FLD PWR” indicator to indicate whether field power is applied to the module and an “OK” LED to indicate the presence of backplane power. It also has a 0.2 ms turn-on response time and a 1 ms turn-off response time.

When inductive loads are connected to the outputs, the use of an external suppression circuit is recommended. The thermal derating of the module depends on several factors.

such as ambient temperature, voltage level, and orientation of the module. It has 250 volts AC, user input to logic,

user input to logic, user input to frame, and group to group isolation voltages. It does not have point-to-point isolation.

The IC200MDL744 Discrete Output Module requires a NIU or CPU in the Versamax PLC to perform intelligent processing for industrial applications.


Powerful, Reliable Performance

VersaMax controllers provide powerful, reliable operation. These versatile controllers are designed to minimise cost, are easy to use and support, and offer a wide range of I/O expansion modules and communication options.

Versamax Modularity Provides Exceptional Versatility

VersaMax modularity is control and IO that www.cniacs.com can be snapped together to provide compact nodes with a smaller footprint than typical control/IO combinations.

Versamax Micro Delivers High Performance in a Small Form Factor

The Micro Series VersaMax controllers offer superior functionality in a compact package. Their modular design provides the functionality and flexibility to meet your application needs.

Large amounts of memory with fast cycle times, powerful instruction sets, and expanded programming options. Programming and configuration is simple and intuitive using Proficy Machine Edition software.

Versamax Micro Plus Increases Productivity

To further increase productivity, the VersaMax Micro Plus controller features more memory, high-precision motion, and an advanced instruction set.

Versamax Nano Delivers High Speed in Tight Spaces

The VersaMax Nano controller combines the benefits of the VersaMax Micro controller with a smaller form factor.

The VersaMax Nano is ideally suited for high-volume applications where cost and fast processor speed are critical. With its all-in-one construction, installation is simple and it fits in the palm of your hand.

Fanuc IC200BEM003 Intelligent Master Module

About IC200BEM003

The IC200BEM003 module is a Versamax master module designed by GE Fanuc.

It can easily send/receive data on a V1 PROFINET network. It supports variable data rates.

A total of 3584 bytes of input data and 3584 bytes of output data can be processed using this module.

The module has synchronised and frozen modes. This network interface module has a data rate range between 9.6 k baud and 12 M baud.

The IC200BEM003 module uses a linear bus network www.cniacs.com topology terminated at both ends. It uses shielded twisted pair cables for data and information transfer.

The network module is connected using a 9-pin D-sub connector. It is small and compact, measuring 4.3 inches wide by 2.63 inches high by 1.956 inches deep.

The Versamax IC200BEM003 module is an intelligent module with a slave status array list, slave diagnostic addresses, and other features.

It draws a total of 5 milliamps of current from a 450-volt output.The IC200BEM003 module can be configured using a software utility with a host controller and a Windows operating system.

The front of the module has LEDs that light up when there is communication activity.

The IC200BEM003 module* supports up to 125 slave devices and can be configured through software.

Network-to-frame ground isolation is rated at 250 volts AC and PROFIBUS network to backplane is rated at 1500 volts AC for 1 minute.

The module is certified to UL standards for installation in hazardous areas.

Network Interface Module

The Network Interface Module allows the VersaMax PLC to operate as a master or slave on a network.

Currently available modules support DeviceNet master or slave communication and PROFIBUS-DP slave communication. AS-i master communication is also available.

Fanuc IC200ALG266 15-Point Analogue Current Input Module

The module has a full-scale accuracy of +/-3.0% at 0 degrees Celsius operating temperature,** a full-scale accuracy of +/-5.25%, and a full-scale** value of +/-60% at 1 degree Celsius.

Each channel of the IC200ALG266 is capable of detecting faults in analogue signal conversion.

This occurs when the output provided by the AD converter is greater than 6% of the full scale value.

This error is reported to the CPU, which www.cniacs.com can indicate to the partner Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems as a fault or poor signal quality.

The IC200ALG266 has software configurable input states in response to a CPU stop or module error.

These options include default or *last state operation and are suitable for achieving safe startup, especially in the event of a power interruption.

Filter response is 32 Hz +/-20% per input channel with a channel update rate of 7.5 ms.

The GE Fanuc Automation IC200ALG266 module is a certified Versamax input module manufactured by GE Fanuc Automation.

The module is designed to provide an interface to different input devices. The interface is achieved by connecting to the 15 input channels included in the module.

These inputs are analogue and the module comes with an LED that indicates when the drive is correctly configured and able to operate, this LED is the OK LED.

The GE Fanuc Automation IC200ALG266 Versamax Input Module has protection features that ensure safe operation and help extend the life of the module and inputs.

These protection features protect the module from overvoltage levels above 30 volts DC.

The operation of each input is a separate operation, which means that if one is in a fault condition, it will not affect the function of the remaining inputs.

The GE Fanuc Automation IC200ALG266 Versamax input module has a backplane current consumption rating of 50 mA to 100 mA.

It cannot be run from an external power supply.The IC200ALG266 Versamax input module has a 15-bit resolution.

However, it may need to be derated by up to +/-2% if it is subject to RF interference. The module filters at a channel update rate of 7.5 milliseconds.

The input current range of the module is -10 VD to +10 VDC.

Fanuc IC200MDD848 Discrete I/O Module

About IC200MDD848

The IC200MDD848 module is a discrete I/O module manufactured by GE Fanuc Automation and is part of the Versamax series.

The module has 16 I/O points divided into 2 different groups, each group consisting of 8 points.

The GE Fanuc IC200MDD848 module has positive logic or source-out type inputs and supports channel-to-channel isolation for each discrete output point.

In addition, the IC200MDD848 module provides www.cniacs.com various protection features for each output point, including metal oxide varistors (MOVs) and buffers.

Although diagnostics are provided, each I/O point is mapped to a status LED.

The IC200MDD848 discrete I/O module is powered by a backplane mounted on the PLC chassis.

However, an external 120 VAC power supply is required for any switches that power the loads.

The module has a *minimum* load current of 10 milliamps per input and output point, and a **load current of 5 amps.

It also has a **5 amp load current for a single 20 millisecond cycle.

The IC200MDD848 discrete I/O module draws 5 mA from 125 V peak backplane voltage.

The use of external suppression circuitry is recommended when installing the module’s wiring and configuring the outputs for inductive loads.

The IC200MDD848 module supports thermal derating as well as various I/O combinations. The number of **active points that can be run simultaneously depends on various factors.

Some of these factors include the ambient temperature, the physical location of the DIN rail, the external voltage, and the location of the device itself.

Fanuc IC200MDL636 48V DC Positive and Negative Logic Input Module

The IC200MDL636 is powered by the baseboard. Intelligent processes are executed by the CPU or NIU. The module provides 32-bit discrete input data.

The IC200MDL636 module has individual green LEDs that indicate the on/off status of each input.

Backplane power must be available for the LEDs to execute. When backplane power is recognised, the green OK LED will indicate ON.

The basic input on/off response time Model IC200MDL636 is 0.5ms modulo.

However, some applications may require additional filtering to handle noise spikes or switch bounce situations.

About the IC200MDL636

Produced by GE Fanuc in the Versamax family, the IC200MDL636 input module is a high-capacity input module with 32 input points.

The IC200MDL636 32-point input module derives power from the backplane of the Versamax PLC to which it belongs.

The green LED “OK” on the module www.cniacs.com glows when backplane power is applied to the module.The IC200MDL636 input module provides 32-bit discrete input data.

and can accept intelligent processing by the PLC CPU or NIU. 32 inputs are divided into 4 groups of 8. depending on the application.

The 32 inputs are divided into 4 groups of 8. each of which can be positive or negative logic inputs, depending on the application. There is no point-to-point isolation.

There is no point-to-point isolation, but each group of 8 inputs is isolated from each other by 1 minute of 1500 volts AC and 250 volts AC continuously.

The GE Fanuc Versamax IC200MDL636 Input Module is rated for turn-on voltages from 34 to 60 volts DC and turn-off voltages from 0 to 10 volts DC.

No external power supply is required as the input module is powered by the PLC backplane. Its backplane power consumption is rated at 5 volts output and 140 mA maximum current.

The IC200MDL636 input module has a user settable filter time setting of 1 ms by default, but can be set to 0 ms or up to 7 ms by the user.

The module is rated for input voltages from 0 to 60 volts DC, while the nominal rating is 48 volts DC.

Multilin 489 Generator Protection System SR Series Relays

The Multilin™ 489 Generator Protection System is a member of the SR Series of relays that provides protection, control, and advanced communications in an industry-leading drawout configuration.

Designed for small to medium sized generators, the 489 offers advanced protection features, including generator stator differential protection. 489 www.cniacs.com also includes detailed diagnostic information to reduce troubleshooting time.

Key Benefits

– Comprehensive, safe protection for small and medium-sized generators

– Easy-to-use generator protection system supported by an industry-leading suite of software tools.

– Advanced protection and monitoring features, including stator and bearing thermal protection using RTDs and vibration monitoring using analogue inputs

– Globally recognised as a member of the most prestigious relay protection product family on the market

– Drawer construction to minimise downtime and facilitate removal/installation during routine maintenance 489

– Large, user-friendly front panel interface for real-time power monitoring and setpoint access, with a display that is easy to read in direct sunlight

– Enhanced generator troubleshooting capabilities through the use of IRIG-B time-synchronised event logging, waveform capture and data logger

– Simplifies setpoint verification testing with built-in waveform simulation capabilities

– Cost-effective access to information through industry-standard communications hardware (RS232. RS485. 10BaseT Ethernet) and protocols (Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP, DNP 3.0)

– Can be used in most extreme locations by offering harsh chemical environment options


– Synchronous or induction generators operating at 25Hz, 50Hz or 60Hz

– Primary or backup protection in cogeneration applications

Protection and control

The 489 generator protection system provides comprehensive protection, metering and monitoring functions,

The 489 generator protection system provides comprehensive protection, metering and monitoring functions for small and medium-sized synchronous or induction generators operating at 25. 50 or 60 Hz.

The 489 is ideal for primary or standby generator protection as well as cogeneration applications.

SR469-P5-LO-A20-T Relay Protector Module

Product Description

The SR469-P5-LO-A20-T is an SR469 multi-wire relay designed to provide comprehensive protection for medium to large motors. The unit offers many management features.

The SR469-P5-LO-A20-T has a 5 amp current transformer secondary coil mounted on the base unit.

It is a low control power unit rated for 24-60 volts DC or 20-48 volts AC @ 48-62 Hz.

Although the unit has an optional www.cniacs.com Ethernet port, it does not include the optional DeviceNet or enhanced front panel.

In addition, it is not designed for harsh environments as it does not include a chemically conformal coating.

The SR469-P5-LO-A20-T includes an optional Ethernet 10BaseT Ethernet port.

With this additional port, users can connect their 469 units to 10 Mbps Ethernet.

This port brings the number of ports in the unit to four, including the three standard serial ports that are always displayed in the SR469 relay.

All SR469 relays have two RS485 ports on the real panel. In addition, there is an RS232 port on the bottom of the front panel.

This port provides quick access for troubleshooting and programming.The SR469-P5-LO-A20-T supports ModBus RTU and ModBus RTU via TCP/IP.

The GE Multilin manual will provide the user with additional information on installation, safety and proper operation.

Original documentation such as manuals and user guides should be read and understood before opening the box; this will ensure that you are aware of all possible hazards and ensure your safety.

Frequently Asked Questions about the SR469-P5-LO-A20-T

What are the standard features of the SR469-P5-LO-A20-T General Electric Motor Management Relay?

All 469 Motor Management Relay features are standard. Although the analogue output range, phase current transformer secondary and control power must be specified prior to purchase, the

to ensure that the correct standard features are purchased for the relay. Some features are programmable, such as the 469 relay’s differential current transformer input with a 1A or 5A secondary current transformer.

IC693CPU374-JY Processor Module Series 90-30

The 90*-30 Series CPU374 PLUS provides a built-in enhanced Ethernet interface for TCP/IP communication with the following devices

Provides TCP/IP communication:

Series 90. PACSystems, and VersaMax PLCs.

Host computers running the Host Communications Toolkit or CIMPLICITY software

Computers running the TCP/IP version of the programming software

CPU Functionality

High-speed Boolean and non-Boolean processing provided by 586-class 133MHz processors

High-speed Boolean and non-Boolean processing provided by the processor

Two Ethernet ports: Two Ethernet ports: 10/100 Mbytes (one IP address), built-in auto-sensing Ethernet switch

Supports EZ Store devices for downloading programmes without a PC

240KB user memory

Key Ethernet Features

Comprehensive PLC programming and configuration services

Periodic data exchange using Ethernet Global Data (EGD) and EGD commands to read and write PLC and EGD switching memory over the network

TCP/IP communication services using SRTP

SRTP client (channel) support

Modbus/TCP server supporting Modbus Conformance Class 0. 1 and 2.

Modbus/TCP client supporting Modbus Conformance class 0. 1 and Conformance class 2 function codes 15. 22. 23 and 24.

Remote PLC monitoring via web browser

Comprehensive station management and diagnostic tools

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